The first full week of school! Introduction of Creativity Morning! It was a wonderful week. The children learned new group routines and began to get a feel for what the structure of the week is like.
Monday, September 11th
In Literacy, the children were introduced to some new writing activities, sticker stories, and news from home. Mr. David’s and Ms. Vanessa’s math groups enjoyed a story about place value and counting by 10s. They then explored Base 10 Blocks and experimented using them to represent different numbers.
Tuesday, September 12th
In Literacy, the children continued sticker stories, and news from home. Mr. David’s and Ms. Vanessa’s math groups continued representing numbers using Base 10 Blocks. They partnered up with another friend and took turns writing down a number that the other friend would represent with the blocks. We began presenting our Five things that represent Me bags. The children loved discovering what they did and didn’t have in common. During afternoon Choice Time the children were challenged to build structures that were wider at the top than at the bottom. We also explored 48 to 60 piece puzzles.
Wednesday, September 13th
We had our first Creativity Morning on Wednesday! The children worked with saws in the shop with Mr. Josh, created news stories with Ms. Kara, built with Mr. Malcolm, and enjoyed other activities. In the afternoon Mr. Anthony worked with the children to create woven paper pieces. On the rug, the children continued sharing their Five things… bags.
Thursday, September 14th
More Five things… sharing both in the morning and afternoon. We also acted out different scenes from a Read-Aloud book, and talked about handmade furnishings. The children chose their favorite square from the Afghan and recreated it on paper.
Friday, September 15th
Friday we played a variety of math games after a skip-counting lesson. In the afternoon we had Friday Game Day! The children played and taught each other games from tic-tac-toe to checkers to Forbidden Island to Stratego. It was a wonderful way to close the week.