Catalyzing Education Innovation
AceraEI is the outreach division of Acera: The Massachusetts School of Science, Creativity and Leadership. Visit the AceraEI website.
We believe that early and deep exposure to STEM topics is essential for students to be ready to tackle the challenges of our time, that students’ growth in core capacities like systems thinking, problem-solving, and creativity is as important as academic achievement, and that it is the responsibility of schools to safeguard each student’s spirit, curiosity and innate love of learning, enabling them to be the best version of themselves.
We are proving that this works at our own K-10 STEAM school. We have invented, pilot tested, and put into use new curricula, pedagogy, and school norming approaches since 2010.
Now, we are collaborating with public school districts to customize how our “Tools to Transform Schools” can best fit into their unique school settings to catalyze change.
Collaborations & Partnerships
Collaboration with scientists, researchers, inventors, entrepreneurs, artists, programmers, designers and musicians is central to learning at Acera. From our early days, connections with thought leaders have inspired our students and teachers to create, innovate, and lead.
Current curriculum collaborators include the BU Social Development and Learning Lab; MIT Media Lab; MIT Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics; Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; Handel and Haydn Society; and Amino Biolabs.

Opportunities for Teachers
Recent teacher trainings have drawn educators from surrounding communities interested in bringing more hands-on, engaging, and creative learning on STEAM subjects into their classrooms.
Innovator Symposium
Our annual Innovator Symposium is a free community event open to all and is part of our efforts to break down the walls between science and the general public.
Remote Learning Toolkits
Acera is sharing resources to make virtual learning engaging and fun. Feel free to use them, adapt them, and share them!