A huge thank you to Queenie, Adrienne, Alexis, Alyssa, and soooo many other Acera staff members, you families, and of course your wonderful kids for your support and patience while I’ve been ill and convalescent. I got great reports and saw much awesome work done in my absence.
Thank you to George for leading an engineering design/build/analysis activity yesterday that connected our study of The Ancient World.

Here are also some other photos from the eclipse.

Thank you to Alison for connecting us to Tufts student Lydia for another hands on design workshop back on April 29th. I hear the kids who were here that day really enjoyed the lego robotics and thinking about ways to address pollution.
A few upcoming things of note:
1) Wed. April 24th from 1:00-1:30pm, we will have poetry readings to celebrate Poetry Day/Poetry Month. Any interested students should sign up using THIS FORM,
(Note: The sign up is also posted on Google classroom.)
And just for fun, here are the haiku students wrote this morning and a list of poems students have shared with us during morning meeting.
2) Patriots Day is the Monday of April Vacation in Massachusetts- no school any day next week (unless you enrolled for vacation camp)
3) Health and Wellness
Starting Friday, April 26th Ms. Eileen will begin a series of three Health and Wellness classes with Room 3 & Room 8 students. These classes will focus on upcoming changes of puberty, healthy relationships (friendships as well as crushes and romantic interest, boundaries and consent), and hygiene. They will draw from the Our Whole Lives (OWL) grades 4 & 5 curriculum and be modified to meet the needs and readiness of our students.
Happy Spring,
Deborah Barolsky