Dear Acera Parents,

Love and Respect

At Acera, love and respect are at the heart of everything we do–a love of learning, inquiry, thinking, innovation, and creativity, and a deep respect for our students, our teachers’ autonomy, and the collaborative spirit of our community.

A year ago, I first learned of Acera, a small school with big dreams. From the moment I arrived, collaboration, innovation, and kindness echoed through every conversation—with students, staff, parents, and board members. Acera is a place where student-led inquiry, interdisciplinary learning, and outdoor free play are cherished. It’s a school where teachers’ passions ignite sparks of inspiration. At Acera, I saw the true meaning of community. A community that loves learning, embraces friendship and most importantly pushes us to try harder.

I am honored to be able to succeed Courtney Dickinson as the next Head of School beginning the 2025-2026 school year. My heart is filled with gratitude for Courtney, for the students, staff, parents, board, and administration who make Acera the extraordinary place it is.

Building to Last

Guided by Acera’s mission and our Strategic Plan: Building to Last, my leadership will center on four commitments: Giftedness, Stewardship, Stability, and Growth.

Stewardship means honoring Acera’s mission and ensuring the long-term financial stability of the school. Through thoughtful planning and strategic decision-making, we will preserve and grow our strong financial foundation, safeguarding Acera’s legacy for the next 15 to 50 years.

Stability fosters a thriving school culture. Research shows that stability supports teacher and student retention, which then directly impacts the quality of education. By supporting a healthy, stable environment, we’ll nurture opportunities for growth, creativity, and new possibilities.

Growth will be thoughtful and intentional, always guided by our approach of admitting for fit, not full. There is a connectedness, a vitality, quality of care and knowing of an intentionally small school that only a small school can offer. As we expand with the addition of 1 Lowell, we’ll prioritize building a unified, connected community across both structures.

Giftedness is our guidepost. At Acera, we know there is no one way to be gifted. We view giftedness as a unique lens through which students experience the world. Our inquiry-based, interdisciplinary, and hands-on approach meets each student where they are–we begin with the student. Individualized learning plans, sustained blocks of learning time, and our commitment to recess and outdoor play are cornerstones of our promise to gifted students.

Making Our Work Visible

We must make our innovative work in gifted education at Acera more visible. This means enhancing communication—both internally and externally—and creating opportunities for families and the broader community to witness the magic of our classrooms.

Building on our efforts in curriculum mapping and classroom communication, we will create more ways for you to see and engage with what makes Acera so special. By opening windows into our students’ learning experiences, we can celebrate our successes and strengthen our shared purpose.

Looking Ahead

I will continue to listen, learn, and lead with a steadfast commitment to Acera’s mission. Together, we will ensure Acera is recognized as the destination for gifted education in New England. Community collaboration, clarity in communication, and continuity will guide us as we move forward.

As a leader, I value reflection and seek feedback. I thrive on connection and am excited to deepen my understanding of this remarkable community. Your thoughts, ideas, and conversations are always welcome.

Honoring and Fostering the Magic of Acera

Acera is unlike any other school. Here, students dash to the Adventure Playground for recess and race back to class ready for inquiry. At a time when studies show students nationwide feel less challenged and are disengaged in school, 93% of Acera students say they are happy to be here every day.

Acera is a place where gifted students are challenged, valued, seen, heard, and supported—with love and respect. My role is to ensure this magic flourishes for years to come.

Join Me for Coffee – Tomorrow!

I’ll be at Friday’s coffee from 8:45–9:30 a.m. Please join me for an informal conversation (and coffee!)—I’d love to connect with you!

With joy and anticipation,


Heather Pinedo-Burns is the Associate Head of School at Acera.