Sometimes, all it takes is one student, one idea, and a little tenacity, and you get a whole community to come together and discover each other in new and wonderful ways.
When Jackson Gamache (Ms. Nic’s class) first proposed his idea for an All School Dance, he mostly thought about one thing: dancing with friends is fun. When he had more than half the school in the Commons grooving along to everything from summer ’16 hits such as ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling” to ca. 1980 hits such as Prince’s “1999”, he realized something else had happened, too: new connections, laughter, and as a free add-on, you could see your teachers throw their arms in the air, move their feet in unexpected ways, and, yes, breakdance.
This clearly asks for a repeat. The students are on it, and a date for the spring 2017 dance will be announced after break. In the meantime, enjoy this photographic evidence of a terrific night!